Global Blackness Summer School ‘23 / For Wholeness. Black Being Well

#3 “Flesh, spirit, body, mind: A poetic mapping”

A masterclass & body-work session with Danai Mupotsa, facilitated by Victoria Collis-Buthelezi

Wed 22 Nov, 12:00-16:00, LAPA, 29 Chiswick St, Brixton (next to Breezeblock Cafe)

Flesh, spirit, body, mind… Join us for a unique opportunity to sit, move and listen with the iridescent Danai Mupotsa. Resources will be shared in advance with the group, and refreshments will be served by Breezeblock Cafe.

Numbers are limited for this slow-time afternoon session (max 20). Please RSVP below to confirm your space!

Further details on this session, as well as resources for the master class, will be released soon :)

Danai Mupotsa | bio

V Collis-Buthelezi | bio