Session details

Thursday 15 August, 18:00
Johannesburg Institute for Advanced Study (JIAS)

Join us in-person for Session II, with Congolese-born, Johannesburg-based poet Sarah Lubala and South African poet and series curator Maneo Mohale.

As space is extremely limited (max 20), RSVP is essential.

A Burial Hymn
Sarah Lubala


Bring the bitter leaf
the wild spinach
the kola nuts

I am gathering from scratch
telling the stone house
the thatch roof
the gun too large
for hands so small
the months of rice and


Oh Lord
that I belonged
to any land but this
that I could not read
the currents
that the dirt roads knew nothing
of me

In these lines
I have tried to forget the words
by which we are known


I am told my poems
hold too much water
are charged with too much
I know nothing else
honeyed water for the mouth
lemon water for the throat
saltwater for the wounds

history is the dog at my back
hard by the heels
the profane stain of red earth
along the hem of every skirt


The night my grandfather died
I stood in a long line at Home Affairs
awaiting a new name

forgive me

- - -

link to the poem on the Johannesburg Review of Books


Sarah Lubala is a Congolese-born poet. She has been twice shortlisted for the Gerald Kraak Award, and once for The Brittle Paper Poetry Award, as well as longlisted for the Sol Plaatje EU Poetry Award. She is also the winner of the Humanities and Social Sciences Award 2023 for Best Fiction: Poetry.

Her debut collection, A History of Disappearance, was published by Botsotso Publishing in 2022